Spiritual autobiography
Every year, as part of taking EfM (Education for Ministry), each person in the study group shares their spiritual autobiography. It's basically your life story and where God figured in it. In each of the four years, we tell it four different ways. It was my turn this week. No, don't freak, I'm not going to share it here. But I took the version from the second year of doing this and went pictorial. I was reading a back issue of Somerset Studio, where the topic of tunnel books came up. I did some research, found a template to make one and went .... Wait a minute. An acrylic page book would be so much easier and still have the see-through effect! So here's the cover. No matter where you are in the book, the face of Jesus peeks through. That was my goal. That he/God was there in every part of my life, whether I acknowledged it or not. That's me at my baptism. Most of what I used were symbolic. In fact, I had more symbols than pages *sigh* This was good in another way...