God's Love Stories -- Listening for God
What's next? What's the right choice? Is this what I'm called to do? Is this all? If those are your questions, hopefully, the following links will be helpful. Prayer for a Hopeful Vision by Emily Freeman of chatting at the sky Rice Krispies: My Spiritual Awakening by Sarah Bessey Soul Breakfast , a guest post by Judith King at Abbey of the Arts (although who has time for all of this in the morning before work? But one deep breath, yes, one grateful thought, yes.) Meet the Incredible Woman Chosen to Lead Mother Emanuel's Church after last year's shooting by Collier Meyerson at Fusion And on another matter (as Passover is coming up): Why Christians Should Not Host Passover Seders by Rebecca Cynamon Murphy at Religious Dispatches What interesting articles have you read lately? I still have a stack in my "Pocket" app so there may be more to come.