On the last few days of Birthday...

Before I catch you all up, I won a giveaway! An owl apron from Karen at Elderberry Road (follow the link for better pictures than I'm about to show you).

Yeah, so the macro function on the camera didn't work so hot on the above picture but I wanted to show the cute detailing on the pocket.

Oh and I believe I forgot to share that my hubby (who was a waiter at Saturday's tea) came home with a care package of stuff. A bud vase with a white rose and baby's breath, and a sampling of sandwiches and the dangerously brandy-soaked tiramisu. Yum.

The treat assigned for Sunday was to bake healthy muffins (and muffins that are yummy!) ... but after a morning at church and an afternoon doing church work (which turned out fabulously), I took one look at the little note and went: naahhh... So I hereby declare that the owl apron is my birthday treat -- only, my plan in entering the giveaway was to pass it along to Mum -- so here you are, Mum! Surprise!

Monday, I chose to go to Ocean Beach. There's a street there with a bunch of antique shops. I've lived in this city for years and didn't know about it until my Mum discovered a blog: Mockingbird Hill Cottage. Claudia posted about this store, Vignettes. I'll wait while you go look at the pictures, because I didn't bring my camera with me. There's a link to the store's blog there too.

Are you back yet? Good. Vignettes was the last store I went to and it was just overwhelming... I visited the other antique stores on that street and came home with a little haul -- and without spending a whole lot.

Two cigar boxes (there were more but I'm limited to what I can carry on public transit). The one on the right is intriguing ... I could make a little diorama or something inside...

Doilies, bone buttons and two pearl buttons...

These amazing pearls and under $20! They feel heavy like real pearls, but I haven't done the tooth test on them. They're even knotted between each bead, so if they're fake, they're good fake. The diamond and pearl thingy was why I picked them up. Now, do I wear them, or pull it apart?

The ruffled crepe paper, one has seam binding stitched on it as well. Aren't they cute? Plus it saves me from finding the right shade of crepe paper and cursing while I attempt to ruffle 'em. They were in a booth at Vignettes. So were the pearls. (It turns out that antique shopping is just like wine tasting: everything at the end looks really good. Although truthfully, I could have bought quite a lot at the first store I went to, including some gorgeous primitive wooden santos.)

Case in point: I picked this up at the first store... there are shattered panels here and there, but it was so lovely and light and lacy, how could I resist it?

Tuesday's treat was to work on a swap I've joined, so I picked what book I am going to use.

Today's treat is a long soak in a bath. Which if I'm going to make sausage rolls and the rest of the day, I best get going.

Thanks for letting me share.


  1. excellent
    shopping, miss
    leanne. i am
    wild about the
    crepe paper with
    the seam binding
    ribbon. gorgeous!

  2. Absolutely wear the pearls,you sure found some yummy things, have a great birthday bath.Birthday parcel posted.


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