Mori Cupcake journal

The next to last project we did in the Mori Cupcake class (which I miss already) was to put together a journal. Mine's not finished yet, but I thought I'd share the cover and a few pages.

I made the cover from a David Austin Roses catalog...

I brilliantly managed to stitch in one signature upside down (and also used too thick cord to do the binding), but I kinda like the haphazard rusticness of it.

The spread below has a page added by using rings, because it was a pretty card I'd been hoarding and always wanted to use. But here's the other side of it. The Red Riding Hood image is a creation of my Mori Cupcake teacher, Natalie Neumann (so all credit is to her!), to be included in an altered clothing project (confession: still haven't made it), and I added it here on top of some experimenting I did with alcohol inks for the La Sirena class!

Below is the first spread I did with fabric, using a left over piece from my embroidery sampler and images from the net of the Mori Girl style. I like how restful this feels. (You can see part of the too big cord here as well.)

There are a ton of pages, a lot of which I need to finish off, and I have a few more waiting for just the right spot to be included!


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