Wednesday's Where's God? (Weeks 13 and 14)

I wrote epically in my journal about Sunday (9/11). Mainly about forgiveness. I've decided not to share it, mainly because it goes on for pages. However, what my church's rector (aka pastor) said on Sunday about the hard work that is forgiveness is well worth sharing here (scroll down to the September 11 listing).

It also appears I forgot to hit the Publish button last week. Oops. So here's last week's Wednesday's Where's God:

Karla from Back at Ya Babe wrote in last week's post that: "God has been in our circumstances this week."

Here's my page for week 13...

And here's this Wednesday's Where's God:

The envelope holds a copy of the vows that we renewed on the 4th. (Not quite our anniversary, but we wanted to do it before our community of faith).

Where was God in your week?

Comment below with your own list, link to your blog post about it, perhaps a photograph you took that illustrates it (a picture is worth a thousand words), or art illustrating your gratitude! (If I get enough folks participating, I'll start using a link party tool.)

A couple of rules:
1. If you are linking, link to the specific post, not the main page of your blog.
2. Please, no links to online shops -- stay on topic!

Feel free to post the blog button!

(Incidentally, I can't figure out how you can create the "copy and paste" html code to link back. If anyone knows how, please let me know!)

I will share my favorites next Wednesday, in the meantime, check back to see who has posted and enjoy discovering God in each other's lives!


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