Joy Dare Monday...

The counting of my one thousand gifts are like the sacrifice of a thank-offering on the altar...

17 I will sacrifice a thank offering to you  
           and call on the name of the LORD. 
18 I will fulfill my vows to the LORD    
           in the presence of all his people, 
19 in the courts of the house of the LORD—    
           in your midst, Jerusalem. 
-- Psalm 116

In Nan Merrill's "Psalms for Praying", she rewrites them like this: 

"I will offer to You the gift of gratitude
           and acknowledge your Loving Presence with joy.
I will bear witness to You, O Giver of Life,
           in the presence of all the people,
In the Sacred Altar of my heart,
           in your midst, O Beloved...."

"sacrifice of thank-offering" == "gift of gratitude" ... and I just broke my rule of quoting a ton of scripture. Ah, well. Forgive me.

How the wisteria looks this week!

This week's list has been a struggle to compile, but I persist.  I need to be better about writing them down during the day.

202. seedlings and growing plants
203. vinegar gets grease off the kitchen floor
204. making bread, juice, iced tea and art
205. patterned acacia bark

206. wishing I knew when to shut up (angry, annoyed today)
207. full moon rising

only had my iPhone on me and this is the best I could capture it at

208. getting to the deli to pick up order before they closed
209. eucharist for three
210. lily of the valley flowering

yes, there's a wee green spider!

211. first rose of the year

212. baby, even if fussy
213. "free" lunch
214. choir practice
215. summer-like day
216. gusty wind
217. witty banter after watching The Artist
218. chanting Lauds
219. the kindness of others
220. calling home
221. "spring forward" on a  gloomy morning
222. the Colonel's stories

Am linking this up to Ann Voskamp's "multitudes on Mondays" (or will as soon as it goes up!)


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