Joy Dare Monday ...

Continuing to count the gifts I find during the day...

1,022. a moment beautiful but forgotten
1,023. clementine
1,024. God holding my hand
1,025. red berries on magnolia
1,026. walk to park
1,027. Flakes (of the chocolate variety)
1,028. only having a minor meltdown over cooking
1,029. the smell of burgundy mushrooms throughout the whole house

totally forgot to take a photo of what they looked like at the end of the 10+ hr process!
1,030. eshet chayil (woman of valor)
1,031. stomach settles for turkey
1,032. marshmallow topping turns out perfectly

1,033. dog's head nestled against my leg, same dog snoring
1,034. up until after midnight reading due to outraged stomach
1,035. ruining art journal page (in progress)
1,036. but fixing it anyway.
1,037. big hug
1,038. "The King of Glory comes" and dancing on the inside (like this)
1,039. the perfect offertory hymn for today's service but no chance to prepare

Am linking this up to Ann Voskamp's "multitudes on Mondays" (or will as soon as it goes up!)


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