Joy Dare Monday: Almost forgot!

61. muscles stretched
62. finding expression in art
63. all of us snuggled on the couch
64. cold inside, warm outside
65. God's love
66. night-time walk
67. oppressive air turning into the promise of rain
68. leaves dancing in the air above the street
69. the bus I needed to catch was 5 minutes late #madeit
70. perspective
71. crow waving a paper bag while on top of a lamp post
72. "how important is this game?" the question still being asked about football decades after that episode of The Bob Newhart Show aired (giving us the giggles)
73. rain
74. the excitement of a BHAG
75. teen praising "Cry Me a River"
76. walking in soft steady rain without an umbrella
77. falling asleep listening to the rain fall
78. English weather
79. Laura's talk
80. punching holes for a new journal
81. finish making journal

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