31 Days of Encountering Judaism
Why this topic? I'll answer that in a minute, especially for those coming along later and missed the start, as this post will also serve as the place to come to easily access all 31 posts. This very post :) Poem: O Ancient of Days The invisible gulf between Judaism and Christianity Reflecting again on the High Holy Days Review of "In the Shadow of the Temple" Learning the Sh'ma #1 Learning the Sh'ma #2 Learning the Sh'ma #3 Learning the Sh'ma #4 Learning the Sh'ma #5 Learning the Sh'ma (part the last, maybe) Showing gratitude #1 Showing gratitude #2 Showing gratitude and blessing #3 Showing gratitude and blessings #4: bread and wine My favorite verse My favorite verse #2 My favorite verse #3 I love... An introduction to Hebrew An odd rebellion Finding a confessional attitude Uncovering God the Father What is belief? Holy Spirit, holy, holy Our Father, a Jewish prayer Where is God's kingdom? Art journaling ... in ...