What I Learned in August

Today, I am joining in with chatting with the sky's "What I Learned in August"...

  • That if the author of "Who killed Jesus? Exposing the roots of anti-Semitism in the Gospel story of the death of Jesus" had spent more time on the topic and less on constantly vilifying or being snarky about his scholastic opposition, I may have been more interested in his theory. But digging for gems through mean dross is no fun.
  • I got a promotion at work, that was neat.
  • Pizza does not sit as well as it did when I was 20 years younger. Eating that rich meal did a number on my stomach that lasted into the next day.
  • I can still melt down like a two year old.
  • I attended my first Jewish service, a Bat Mitzvah, and it was a beautiful experience. (blogging about it later: the post is written but the next thing has reduced my willingness to sit online long enough to put it up)
  • preparing for the High Holy Days is a lot more exhausting and stressful than any Holy Week. 
  • Hawaiian brand Luau Barbecue rings. Spicy and crunchy awesomeness.

  • grateful for a long weekend in the mountains to take a break from HHD stress before diving back into it on Tuesday.
  • wanting to restore a possibly beyond any help Underwood. I am sad I walked away from it but I've no place to set it up and restore it. It reminds me of my dad back home in Australia (and it's Father's Day there) when he restored busted cane chairs and made them beautiful and functional again


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