Reflecting (again) on the High Holy Days

The High Holy Days were a turning point for me. I wrote about that here. (Can I treat that as a bonus post for our 31 Days?? The list of 31 Days posts can be found here.)

I also put together an art journal spread ....

I made this journal in my first Mary Ann Moss class "Full Tilt Boogie" (and let me go off message to say her journal-making classes are on sale until October 12. I've done two of the four and highly recommend them). So on one side is vintage wallpaper (with the roses) and on the other is scrapbook paper.

In the rose envelope are strips of cardboard -- High Holy Day ticket stubs actually -- that have brief memories of those two weeks.

This is part of a napkin that one of the Beth Israel members brought in (along with some delicious yummies). It was a much-needed laugh amidst the stress of getting ready for the High Holy Days (which is the only reason I'm glad it's over). So of course I had to put it in!


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