National Day of Unplugging

So I stumbled across this event, a National Day of Unplugging. It's on March 5-6 (following the Jewish Sabbath).

Here's another bonus to unplugging -- UNICEF is donating one day of water (through a sponsor) for every 10 minutes you don't touch your phone, although, technically, my iPhone is on with little messages from the sponsor so my eye still gets drawn to it. I'm trying it so we'll see how it depletes the battery as this phone isn't going to sleep either. [Edit: yeah, it does eat up the battery some and my iPhone's quite warm after 25 minutes.]

At time of writing (Friday night), I haven't really decided what I'm going to do for Lent, but maybe it's keeping the Sabbath (Jewish or Christian, but not both) for that period of time. Maybe the first thing I do in the morning isn't to sit down in front of the computer.... but there are other possibilities too, coming out of the class (Coming Home the Body: A Women's Journey toward Contemplative Embodiment) that finished on Sunday.

Maybe resting in butterfly pose for five minutes every morning.

Or stopping to take a breath between each task instead of crossing it off my to-do list and charging onward.

Maybe incorporating just one new practice from that class which would also result in unplugging more?

I have a couple of days to decide -- Lent starts with Ash Wednesday this week.

What are you doing for Lent?


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