Blogging the Lectionary: Come to the Water

During this season there are two "tracks" for the lectionary. One journeys through Genesis and the stories of the matriarchs and patriarchs, the other delves into the writings of the prophets.

My church is on track one, Feasting On The Word is using track two. Today, I'm following the latter because it's Isaiah 55:1-5.

"Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters..."

It's my favorite hymn in the Catholic hymnal, especially now that I've figured out the descant.

It speaks of God consoling those whose basic needs of water and bread, sustenance, is not being met. 

Especially, but not only, the defenseless. Even those of us who spend money "on what does not satisfy" need food, water to survive.

And we need God to survive, if we would but only listen. Listening means sitting with, engaging with, being in relationship with. It's an intimate relationship, not at all like the voice over that calls: "Attention shoppers!"

There's nothing to buy, nothing to sell. All one has to do is listen and receive life.

(and as a bonus: a beautiful rendition of this song. Did I mention I love the descant?)


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