
Showing posts from May, 2015

Being Present: Are we at Pentecost yet?

Just kidding. Today's post is a list of links to good reads, starting with: Read this one post if you don't read anything else on this list: You're already so loved by Sarah Bessey, and then hold those words in your heart. Rachel Held Evans' series: "The Women of Holy Week" (and yes, I didn't read it until after Easter Day): Why the Women Matter The Woman At Bethany Anoints Jesus Mary's Heart is Pierced (Again) The Women Wait Mary Sees the Risen Lord Here are some other Eastery links about being present that really resonated with me: Love Yourself by Maria Kane at 50 Days of Fabulous Can I Get A Witness?? by Brian Cole at 50 Days of Fabulous was just funny (and so honest for this Episcopalian) Love, Light and Life by Mary Wright Baylor at 50 Days of Fabulous (this is a blog dedicated to continuing to reflect on and celebrate the Easter season) 10 Mantras to Help You Choose Love by Liz Lamoreux Why are We Unloving? at God i...

Things I Learned in April

In April, I learned: 1) I learned how to make Matzah Crack, aka chocolate caramel/toffee crackers. waiting for the chocolate to harden caramel on top of matzah in the oven - got to watch it to make sure it doesn't burn I made two batches. You should too . (Recipe is from smitten kitchen .) I'm saving the final packet of Matzah for Pentecost, although there's still a ton of Matzah in my local grocery store. 2) I learned how to read a theological book . (which I kind of already knew, but still) 3) I learned that there are many awesome Passover parodies of "Uptown Funk" but no Christian ones (so I wrote one) 4) I learned that I love the color teal. 5) I learned that if you press down on the plastic thingy right by the blade of the paper cutter you get a straight line! (how long have I been using these things?!) 6) I learned how to play Apples to Apples and had the best fun ever! The standard and Biblical sets were mixed. For the category ...