Things I Learned in April

In April, I learned:

1) I learned how to make Matzah Crack, aka chocolate caramel/toffee crackers.

waiting for the chocolate to harden

caramel on top of matzah in the oven - got to watch it to make sure it doesn't burn

I made two batches. You should too. (Recipe is from smitten kitchen.) I'm saving the final packet of Matzah for Pentecost, although there's still a ton of Matzah in my local grocery store.

2) I learned how to read a theological book. (which I kind of already knew, but still)

3) I learned that there are many awesome Passover parodies of "Uptown Funk" but no Christian ones (so I wrote one)

4) I learned that I love the color teal.

5) I learned that if you press down on the plastic thingy right by the blade of the paper cutter you get a straight line! (how long have I been using these things?!)

6) I learned how to play Apples to Apples and had the best fun ever! The standard and Biblical sets were mixed. For the category "Old and Cranky", I won the round with  "God the Father". Yes, I am pretty sure I will be going to hell for that, but it was too funny not to play.

another sample hand. Radical is....

7) I learned I can draw horses, but not hedgehogs (Ok, these are March and early May images). I am loving the Life Book 2015 lessons! (The hedgehog one is based on Juliette Crane's lesson.) And I learned how to draw a horse by following this YouTube video.

a hedgehog. really.

horse. same artist aka me. really.

Linking up at Emily Freeman's "What I Learned in April" at chatting in the sky

What have you learned this past month?


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