God's Love Stories ... July edition

Today I have mopped the kitchen and dining room floors including under the fridge because our dog recently died of kidney failure -- imagine oceans of pee. I am incredibly grateful to him that when he couldn't wait for us to get home from work, he went on the tile.

So yes, I'm mourning my 16 year old dog, who we had for about 10 years of his life. Adopted as an adult with his brother who died last year ...

This also might be a Sarah Bessey fan-post, because I have a large number of links from her blog. She writes really really good stuff, folks, if you don't follow her yet. It's probably way past time for me to buy her book...

Phew. Here are some other great blogs I've read recently:
And for Laughs:
  • F*ck That: A guided meditation that is seriously Not Safe For Work or Around Small Children (NSFWOASC). By Jason Headley on vimeo


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