7 Ways to Get Jetlag (7QT)

#1. Watch a Sondheim musical on the plane. In my case Into The Woods. Earworms stay in your head for days. "Agony". "Hello Little Girl".  "It Takes Two of Us". Ahhh ah-a-ahh a-ahhh.... You're welcome.

#2. Don't take charge of your space. Like when the clanging water pipes continue to clang and you realize your neighbor is not taking an epic shower and the noise is there to stay. Don't wait until 1:00am the night before your flight to complain to the hotel's front desk.

#3. Pay attention to your husband. When you wake up and he complains he can't sleep, don't give into empathy and sit up with him, no matter how much you love him. You're in business class, you can lie flat, for Pete's sake.

#4. Take epic walks before your flight. So epic that the first walk has you limping and it makes you limp on day two because it feels like walking on knives. (Bonus if you can do this and not have plantar fasciitis.) Then delay taking medicine that will reduce the pain so you can sleep.

#5. Did I mention Sondheim? Ahhhhhhhhahhhhh ahhhh-ah-ahhhARGH.

#6. Be so exhausted by the time you get home, your half hour nap turns into over an hour long because neither one of you sets the alarm.

#7. Remember when you stopped writing romance novels? Night time is not when you write an entire novel outline set in Arthurian Britain. (Hey, it usually makes me fall asleep.)


  1. What a lovely place to find online via 7QT. I hope your body clock resets soon. I really do. Even though you have just started my brain off on its own Into the Woods-athon.....


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