9 Things I would never had known if I hadn't moved to America

Hubby and I on a rainy day in Disneyland eating churros
The title seems to maybe have the wrong number of negatives, but you know what I mean, right?
  1. How to write romances: early on I joined Romance Writers of America, because that's what I was writing and I didn't know anybody outside of my husband's family
  2. How to spell without a "u", e.g. "colour" vs "color"
  3. fish tacos
  4. churros
  5. I really doubt I would've learned more about my faith, the Bible, Christian history thanks to taking Education for Ministry and from becoming members at Good Sam
  6. Benedictine monastery food is really good
  7. I would've have pronounced "Cursillo" incorrectly. (Hint: it's not Curs-ILL-oh)
  8. How amazingly wonderful Disneyland is 
  9. Judaism: working in a synagogue has taught (and is teaching me) a lot. Not a whole lot of opportunities to work in a synagogue where I grew up
  10. Baseball. Not that I’m particularly interested in team sports, but the first year I lived in the U.S., we were right by the stadium. Never got into football though.

This is not to say I would not have learned new things or grown in different ways, just that this is the path I took and given that it's the 4th of July aka Independence Day, appropriate to share today.


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