Faith Fridays

So I thought I would do something called "Faith Fridays".

For the first few, I'm going to use some things that leapt out of my during my devotional readings during my 25 Days of Birthday. (Hmm, I'm sure I could have written that more succinctly.) It's called "Woman of God: Moments of Grace, 25 Devotions" by Diane Graham and Julie Norris.

Psalm 23. "The Lord is my Shepherd...." It's a favorite at funerals. It's a psalm of comfort. So it surprised me when the authors used it to encourage the reader to find peace and quiet despite mountainous to-do lists.

He leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul

-Psalm 23:3
The Benedictines teach balance and so this reminded me (yet again) to take time to rest. That every minute doesn't need to be filled with doing. And the best part? A resting time is a good time to listen.

If you'd like to join in with Faith Fridays (and I'm assuming somebody else hasn't already come up with this idea), just add your link in the comments. Is there a piece of Scripture that resonated with you this week? Why? How was it relevant to your life?


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