
At time of writing, I am Really Really Close to signing up for Mori Cupcake. (editing to add: I have signed up! First lesson starts today!)

Two weekends ago, I went through my wardrobe, which I've mentioned in an earlier post, to weed out the too big clothes, the clothes I never wear, figure out my style, etc.

This t-shirt had been consigned to the toss pile (not even good enough to give away). You can't see it in the photo, and the close up didn't show it either, but the threads are pulling in the fabric. However, it's an extraordinarily comfy shirt so I didn't want to give it up. What to do?

I thought of covering it in net and embroidering on it and hiding the edges of the net with some silvery grey seam binding. And then I came across this fabric in Yardage Town. Sheer(ish) with embroidery.

There's only one problem: the fabric's not wide enough for the tshirt width. So now I'm stuck. I had visions of it going longer than the shirt itself (going for a layer like look), but how am I going to get it to work if the original t-shirt is going to be visible on the sides? Any genius thoughts out there?

Actually, this is the fabric I saw first:

I got enough (I hope) for a skirt, and a scarf. Not that I've ever made myself a skirt before. The last time I wanted a skirt made I went to my mother-in-law. She did a good job but I don't think she sews any more.

I found this fabric too. A soft lineny eyelit in "natural" shades. This would make a great shirt/blouse, but see above. I am thinking beyond my meagre sewing skills. And my total lack of sewing machines. (And my total inability to make the $%^@ sewing machine work.)

All is not lost though. I successfully replaced the worn elastic on three skirts (two others proved beyond me), and mended rips in two skirts. And I have easier plans afoot.

Like this one:

It's a Holy Clothing velvet shirt (much like that purple velvet dress that I will cut up). It fits nice, it's just the sleeves drive me freakin' batty! So I'm thinking, lose the batwingy part of the sleeve (see sleeve on left hand side) and have it be somewhat t-shirty looking.


  1. go for it, miss
    leanne! i love
    the creativity!
    you and karla
    will have to
    exchange notes!
    missed you, friend,
    at silver bella...
    hopefully next year!!
    are you going to
    get to see your
    mom this year???
    happy thanksgiving!


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