Last week, I became an associate...

That is, an Associate of Holy Cross.

It's been oddly difficult to write about this. I think because I want to "save" it for my church's blog, but also because I'm still processing what has proved to be one heck of a watershed week as part of my spiritual journey.

The Order of the Holy Cross are Episcopal monks who live by the Rule of St. Benedict in addition to their own unique Rule. They're a good bunch of guys. You might remember last year, I spent time at their guesthouses up in Santa Barbara and over in West Park, NY. I wanted to be sure that Mt. Calvary (the name for their house in Santa Barbara) wasn't a fluke.

As an associate of the order, I support them in prayer and in action (such as financially) and also live by a Rule of Life based on the guidelines they offer. If there's interest, I can talk more about that, but it wasn't as onerous as it sounds. As I went through it, I found that I was already doing a lot of it, but had a couple of things to challenge me. (And FYI, I've only managed to achieve one of those two things with any regularity in the last 8 months, so I'm still working on the other one.)

So here I am, an Associate of Holy Cross, continuing to journey in the way of Christ.

Which brings me to my next thought:

How would you feel about a Wednesday "Where's God?" link party? (Assuming I can figure out this link party thing.) During the last week, I found myself noticing God in lots of things: from the sun hitting the peaks of the Santa Barbara hills, to the synchronicity of a prayer answering a question, and other little ways.

So I've started a journal (based on the class I took with Rebecca Sower at Silver Bella '09), which when I'm done adding pages I will show you this weekend.

Each page will be a week's worth of finding God moments (and I hope to include doodles and images and what not on each page as well) ... so each Wednesday, I'll share with you the previous week's page (if nothing else this might improve my photography!) and invite you to share your experiences.

Whaddya think?


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