Where's Wednesday's Where's God?

Hey all,

There's no Wednesday's Where's God this week. I didn't make the time to work on my journal this week, so I'm skipping it and refusing to feel bad about it.

However, if your week wasn't as busy -- feel free to let me know Where God was in your week!

Comment below with your own list, link to your blog post about it, perhaps a photograph you took that illustrates it (a picture is worth a thousand words), or art illustrating your gratitude! (If I get enough folks participating, I'll start using a link party tool.)

A couple of rules:
1. If you are linking, link to the specific post, not the main page of your blog.
2. Please, no links to online shops -- stay on topic!

Feel free to post the blog button!

(Incidentally, I can't figure out how you can create the copy and save the html code to link back. If anyone knows how, please let me know!)

I will share my favorites next Wednesday, in the meantime, check back to see who has posted and enjoy discovering God in each other's lives!


  1. I think your hankie curtains are so creative. I love vintage hankies and would have never thought of that. Looks like you get lots of creativity happening in your space.


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