7 Quick Takes for Friday

--- 1 ---

I've started the 1,000 gifts in a year Joy Dare challenge. Ann Voskamp launched it yesterday. And I signed on. I've already been kinda sorta doing it with my "Where's God?" journal postings, but now I have to start from #1 and so "Where's God?" is going to be on hiatus while I attempt to come up with 3+ gifts God has given me each day. I usually manage about 5-7 a week!

Will you be joining in?

--- 2 ---

For some reason, I want to memorize this dialog. All of it. The funny thing is that when my brother showed me the first episode of the series (which was converted into a movie for American audiences), I was all "meh". Now I find it freakin' hilarious.

"Gentlemen, to bed! For we rise at daybreak."

He quoted it on Facebook and I couldn't remember much of the dialogue. But to learn the whole thing, including the Billy Connolly impression. That'd be awesome.

--- 3 ---

7 Quick Takes is hard. (This is my first time doing one.)

--- 4 ---

So excited about Revbecca's ordination tomorrow. And the day after she celebrates her first Eucharist. I guess more about this in next week's 7 Takes...

--- 5 ---

I have written the first "family" newsletter that I have in literally years. My grandparents loved getting this.  My last grandparent died this past year, so I think this is me trying to stay connected to my family a whole ocean away.

It didn't go out in time for Christmas, but it will hopefully go out before Lent. They're printed and I'm prepared to email the others.

--- 6 ---

Last week found me at Chick-fil-A doing my church communications planning for the year. When to promote events and how to get a communications strategic plan done for each ministry in my church. I suspect I ate way too much fried chicken for the day and a half I was there.... (oh, and the chocolate milkshake! omg.)

What? It's a Christian restaurant.  It even closes on Sunday. The In 'n' Out was too far to get to.

--- 7 ---

Today hasn't been a good day for my English. (It's my first language.) First, I wrote "highly educatid" (stop correcting me, Mac laptop). Then I wrote "I have wrote a newsletter..." above. And then "plan done for each church in my ministry."

I truly suspect it's time to call it a night.

"Gentlemen! To bed! For tomorrow we ride at 9:30"


For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. i'm an ex-episcopalian who married a lutheran. it's nice to see another protestant here. :)

  2. Jen: I didn't think I'd be the only one. Hope there's more than two protestants hanging out on Jennifer's blog *grin*


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