... Come to the Fountain...

It seems to me that when I wrote my blog post about the song "All who are thirsty", I didn't actually finish it. Why I didn't realize this before the post went live is a bit of a mystery, because as soon as I read it, once published, I knew it was unfinished.

If you missed the last post, here it is. I'll be here when you finish reading it and come back.

And in case you didn't click on that link and read it, I reflected on the lyrics of a Christian praise song that I suddenly realized was meant for me as much as it was for the congregation I've sung it to.

I am thirsty, weak, in pain and in sorrow. Yes, but that's not all there is to me, or indeed to any of us.

fountain @ St. Mary's Retreat House, Santa Barbara
For there is, if we but open our hands to accept it, God's love and mercy, the water of life, through God's gift of Jesus to us.

Come to the fountain
Dip your heart in the stream of life.... 
Come, Lord Jesus, come ...

It isn't easy to do, to hold out your hands for that gift.  To really surrender to the healing fountain, but even giving God just a little, starts the healing.

fountain at Santa Barbara Mission
And if I'm really honest, I haven't surrendered totally to God yet and I don't know if I ever will. It sometimes feel like an impossible thing.

But getting closer? So so sweet.


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