Joy Dare Monday: what a week!

It's been a week. As of this morning, I'm officially an employed person once more. Well, the job offer came in last week. I haven't the least idea how it's going to affect my blogging, but we're going to go with the flow and see what happens.

Here are the God-gifts for this past week:

384. fans
385. another second interview request
386. cream in the tomato sauce
387. soft fur
388. two job offers
389. I got the job! happy, happy!
390. badly limping dog
391. barely limping dog (phew!)
392. ants galore
393. three pelicans soaring (1 seagull, then nine pelicans, then 12!)
394. cake (for last day at volunteer place)
395. walk
396. singing
397. bath
398. blister bursting
399. dessert wine
400. taking turns chanting
401. catching up
402. gift
403. squalking stellar jay (who just wouldn't stay still)

404. perfumed roses

405. the promise of blackberrying
406. bubbles cascading down skin
407. best burger ever
408. candle
409. restless night
410. sketching before breakfast

411. new grocery shopping routine

Joining in Ann Voskamp's:


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