Joy Dare Monday #whateveritis :)

Yesterday, I posted a happy ending to something that had been bothering me this past week. You can read that post here, which also has a link to the post before which if you haven't read already you should if you want to make sense of the linked-to post.

Um, I'm sure I could've written that sentence better.

Here's the past week's gifts from God:

361. walking home in windy, wintry rain with no umbrella (ella ella)
362. a glimpse of sun
363. dust
364. conversation with a guy who's been living on the street for 20+ years. Nice fellow!
365. hanging out on Library Walk
366. wasting food :(
367. good chronological bible discussion
368. fluffy clouds
369. crisp cool
370. honest conversation
371. the challenge of leaning in
372. overnight succumbing to fears and unheard-of expectations
373. early morning quiet
374. cool breeze on a cloudless day
375. yellow daises
376. request for second interview
377. [redacted, will share when I can]
378. interrupted cuddle with "go poop!"
379. sitting on the back seat
380. reading in the memorial garden
381. late night painting
382. INcarnation

383. dog's face in front of car a/c

Joining in Ann Voskamp's:


  1. Beautiful list! Stopping by from Ann's.

  2. Just love your list - INcarnation...

    I have opened a link at Can I Joy Dare You? I am trying to find bloggers who are actually posting about counting the gifts.

    Would you consider linking your post to my blog at



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