Dealing with Bible Passages on Submission
This week I am participating in Rachel Held Evans' "Submit to One Another: Christ and the Household Codes" synchro-blog . Although I kinda wonder if it should be "Paul and Peter and the Household Codes" because Jesus speaks of marriage making two people one flesh, not one subordinate to the other. (And also against divorce, which frankly I have a harder time with unless it's to compassionately rescue abandoned wives from their shame and sheer poverty as a result of divorce.) Anyway. Ephesians 5:21-6:9 so got my goat as a young adult (between 16 and 21) that I refused to read it if I was scheduled to read that Sunday. Nothing so dramatic as declaring this for all to hear, I would refuse and call in sick. (I know, very passive aggressive of me and to be completely honest, I'd make my mother call in for me.) This young feminist (me) who hadn't yet found her voice was disgusted at how out-dated this was. The times they have a'change...