God's Love Stories (a link list)

Apologies, I thought I'd added all the links but I guess not, so reposting for y'all.

Here are stories that have touched or reminded me of God's presence in our lives...

  • the Episcopal Church's Presiding Bishop, Katherine Jefferts-Schori on Amos' basket of fruit, the story of Mary and Martha of Bethany: "We all struggle with being fully present to the moment, and we bring different attitudes and reactions to each encounter.  Jesus tells us to travel light and be radically open to encountering God, who is present and active all around us, if we will only notice."
  • a beautiful post on "And What We Have Left Undone" by Sarah at Whispers Upon the Journey.
  • a video interview with Liz Lamoreux (one of these days I'll have to go to one of her retreats) at Transformation Talk. It's worth finding the 35 minutes to sit and listen to Liz tell her story.
  • Rachel Held Evans on "Why I Can't Stay Angry (even if I want to)". A must read.
  • "On Communion" at On Afternoons and Coffeespoons gives me ideas.
Monday brought a whole host of amazing, heart-deep posts:

God is also in the funny:


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