Pinging God

This morning I lit candles, having added some to my home altar space, quietly chanting in my mind and settled down to the day's lectio divina, which took about 15 minutes. 

On the 2nd, the Scripture selection was 1 Thessalonians 1:4 and the phrase that resonated was "please God". Not to gain favor with God, but as a response to God.

Yesterday, it was Matthew 5:11, a verse from the Beatitudes, which I'd heard as part of Sunday's readings for All Saints. The phrase that resonated "Blessed are you". Explored that as gratitude and then got sidetracked by thoughts of work. (Just in case you thought this was easy for me.)

Lectio completed, I set a timer and pulled out Feasting on the Word and the Jewish Annotated New Testament, thinking to write a belated "blogging the lectionary" post.

Maybe tomorrow. I've asked for some Hebrew assistance, so I'll get back to you on that. Maybe.

The effect of pinning God first thing resonated throughout my morning yesterday. I felt unrushed as I headed off to work and during the work morning. Unrushed, calm. Probably annoyingly so. It lasted until mid-afternoon which surprised me.

I had hopes that restorative effect kept happening, but this morning, I got sidetracked into a work-stress (technically trying to apply the phrase "I came not to judge the world but to save the world" from John 14:42-50 to my life) and then I needed to email something this morning and got caught up in more anxiety via email.

Maybe that peaceful feeling came from not reading my email as opposed to soaking in and studying Scripture. Hmm.


  1. Oooo, I love your altar space, so beautiful! Prayer has been really hard for me lately, mainly because the depression detests commitment and responsibility (OK, so maybe my sin of sloth detests those things too). Candles might help though....

    1. candles set the intention. I've sat there and thought about work and why my dog is licking the sofa and even daydreamed ... even with the candles lit and then I open my eyes and "oh yeah..." (And also, sometimes, especially with intercessions, I hand over the praying to God. Like, "God, I'm too tired to pray today, you know what is on my heart. thank you." There's a reason I'm not on my church's prayer team.)


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