God's Love Stories - What a Week edition

OK, so it just won't be links on race relations, which has been a huge topic here in the United States, but there will be other interesting blog posts as well.

First, if you haven't yet watched President Obama speak at Clementa Pinckney's funeral, please do. It's 40 minutes, but it's 40 compelling minutes. Amazing grace indeed. (Start it at the 1:20 mark.)

Race relations:

"Afterwards, a black woman approached me and with far more grace than I deserved, reminded me that to African American listeners like her the image of God as a cosmic master is not only discomforting but frightening and oppressive." 
Spiritual Stuff:
"I often think of a story someone told me about her period of spiritual discernment. She was in her kitchen praying, and asked for a sign from Jesus. As she sat in silence, Jesus suddenly appeared before her. He stood there, looked at her, then shrugged his shoulders. I told her, “Yeah, I know what you mean.”

And for fun, "Extra Day", what happens when you run the lyrics of "One More Day" from Les Miserables through Google Translate a few times:

Oh, and I actually posted something of substance recently. You can find it here.


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