25 Days

25 days of what? you might ask.

25 Days of Birthday -- and it starts today.

My inspiration for this came from Miss Gracie's owner (as soon as I track down that blog, I'll add a link--it's kind of funny that as usual, I can remember the pet's name) and from a co-worker. Miss Gracie's human had a whole month of birthday, and my co-worker had nine days...
Well, nine days wasn't enough and a month seemed a bit long, plus, I had this blank Advent calendar which is perfect.

(the calendar's not quite done, it needs a little more bling)

So the plan is to have a little treat for me each day: it might be something big, or it might be something as simple as walking to the park, or taking a long hot bath, or making time for a creative project I've wanted to get done. (Or finish decorating the calendar)

I've also decided that 10% of whatever amount I spend on myself will go to a charity. (Maybe this will help alleviate the guilt of having the privilege of being able to gift myself with 25 days of birthday instead of worrying where the next night of shelter is coming from or if I have enough food.)

I haven't picked a charity yet, but I suspect it'll be either World Vision, Episcopal Relief and Development or Blood: Water Mission.

I was given a little booklet a while back and its been sitting at my work desk. Yesterday, I really looked at it for the first time:25 Devotions of "Moments of Grace" for a "Woman of God". Perfect, eh?

Let the 25 Days commence!


  1. i think 25 days
    sounds perfect!
    i am all about
    being the birthday
    girl. i totally
    love your selfless
    heart you've
    shown us, leanne.
    i'm not surprised
    by it, though.
    : )
    i love LOVE the
    idea of tithing
    your birthday gifts
    for others. is today
    the birthday DAY
    or will the 25th
    day be the
    actual date? either
    way, happy day,
    miss leanne!

  2. ...just dropping by to welcome you. I couldn't find a follow button.

    Happy blogging!

  3. Miss Lynn -- my birthday falls somewhere in May .... sneaky, ain't I? Besides, shouldn't one's actual birthday be surrounded by birthdays?

  4. Oh Leanne...

    Your blog is BEAUTIFUL girl...and the name? Well, it's even MORE BEAUTIFUL!

    I'm so happy you've started your blog. This is a place for you to spread your wings and remain the wonderful author you are...via the internet instead of paperback!!!! I'm so glad you are sharing yourself with us...you are amazing :)

    I'm anxious to see what you have in store for us.

    Since you are being so secretive about your May birthday...I'm wishing you a Happy Birthday everyday!!!!

    I believe in birthday months. Last year, I posted (& celebrated) everyday of October since my day is on the 1st!!!! It was so fun...such a huge party...everyday!!!!

    Miss Gracie...by any chance are you talking about Sharon of A Fanciful Life?

    Have fun here Leanne, I'm so happy to be taking this journey with you!!!!

  5. A happy birthday every day sounds good to me, Jodie!

  6. Great Idea! It is important to be good to yourself. I must say I am curious about your writing...I do admire the skills of a writer.
    I think I passed my english grammer classes with a "C", spelling not so great either. Oh well, I get the message across I guess.


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