Starting a Blog

I'm not a stranger to the blogging world. I'm still hiding out at LiveJournal (my first foray) at a friends-only space, and as a published author, I joined Blogger to form a group blog (now defunct, alas).

But it was sweet Jodie's easy-to-read primer that answered the lingering "wantses" of a blog. I knew it had to have a particular purpose. I won't be talking about my writing life here, for example.

And to enable others to share their gifts and talents, I've added a link in the sidebar to Jodie's little tutorial! Check it out!


  1. oh leanne! i am
    soo sooo happy
    that you have
    started a blog..
    and i have no
    doubt you will
    fill it beauty.
    you are so
    encouraging and
    kind...i look
    forward to
    this venture of
    yours and will add
    you to my blogroll!
    happy day!


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