This week on Wednesday's Where's God?

Here's my page for this week.

Yeah, I'm writing sideways on the page.

Remember last week's page?

Yep, that's her skirt, I folded it around the page 'cause I thought it'd be kinda fun!

While I plan to continue doing these pages, I'm considering abandoning this little link party idea. I think those who read my blog are far too few in number and I really have not gone out of my way to promote this puppy around the blogosphere.

Instead, I'll keep doing the pages, but I'll link them to Ann Voskamp's weekly post where she asks her readers to share their gifts from God. Am not sure it's quite the same thing that I'm doing, but what the hey. (I really need to read her book)

I'm also thinking about writing more about an item or two on  the list instead of just having occasionally cryptic items.


And, for possibly the last time, or the last time for right now, who knows what changes will come down the wind...

Where was God in your week?

Comment below with your own list, link to your blog post about it, perhaps a photograph you took that illustrates it (a picture is worth a thousand words), or art illustrating your gratitude! (If I get enough folks participating, I'll start using a link party tool.)

A couple of rules:
1. If you are linking, link to the specific post, not the main page of your blog.
2. Please, no links to online shops -- stay on topic!

Feel free to post the blog button!

Wheres God Wednesdays button

I will share my favorites (or let's be honest, whoever actually comments) next Wednesday, in the meantime, check back to see who has posted and enjoy discovering God in each other's lives!


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