Wednesday's Where's God?

Sarah, A new blogger that I've just started following (Whispers on the Journey) commented on an old post:
"I love this idea to review each week like this! I would say God was in...
1) my chance to connect with like-minded people at a conference.
2)A sense of rest and centeredness coming out of some vacation time.
3) The church service I randomly caught tonight with words I needed to hear
4) God's drawing out of me, faithfully teaching"

Glad you like the idea! Although it doesn't seem to be original to me.

Here's my list for this week.

The usual Faber Pitt Pens .... and I got to play with some bronze ink, which looks more like old gold .... and so I used a pen nib to do lines and waves. The waves kind of remind me of the sound waves reproduced in the the St. John's Bible. Which is really worth a post all on it's own. Even if I did only see facsimiles and not the real deal (which is in Minnesota, I think.)

There are changes afoot in this blog (I think this must be going around: at least two bloggers have changed their layout and are planning new things). I don't know when it's going to happen because things seem to be occuring in God's time and I don't want to rush anything.  And hey, maybe you won't actually notice anything different.

Meantime, business as usual:

Where was God in your week?

Comment below with your own list, link to your blog post about it, perhaps a photograph you took that illustrates it (a picture is worth a thousand words), or art illustrating your gratitude! (If I get enough folks participating, I'll start using a link party tool.)

A couple of rules:
1. If you are linking, link to the specific post, not the main page of your blog.
2. Please, no links to online shops -- stay on topic!

Feel free to post the blog button!

Wheres God Wednesdays button

I will share my favorites next Wednesday, in the meantime, check back to see who has posted and enjoy discovering God in each other's lives!


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