Inner Excavatealong Week 1

I am running about a week behind the Inner Excavatealong, but I thought I would share one art journal spread that I've done (in my Full Tilt Boogie journal).

I'm at the beginning of a new chapter in my life, or will be as soon as work finishes up by the end of this month, so the read along was almost perfect timing. So glad I can go at my own pace.

You can see the photo exercise for week 1 peeking out behind the short page on the right. I've been documenting my last couple of weeks at work. It feels a little more scrap-booky than art-journaly right now, using foam stamps I haven't used in an age, and using photos instead of painting and drawing (and having way too much fun with washi tape), but as I go on (especially as I get more time), I'm hoping the pages will be a little more developed...

In case you can't read the two poems, here they are:

I am
an adventurer who likes to play it safe
a soul bestowed
green and gold
all shades of purple
soaking in the cool
trying to remember to breathe
just breathe
and waiting

I begin
at an ending
waiting to hear
I leap
        in faith
yet hiding under the covers
I seek
       my long-lost self
millimeter by millimeter
the self God created
I am really enjoying this, and I doubt I would have even picked up the book and started this if I hadn't happened to read it on somebody's blog. (Please don't ask me who.)


  1. First of all, can one really have TOO much fun with washi tape?! LOL

    I think your pages are a great start and your poetry wonderful!

    All the luck to you on your newest path, Leanne!!


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