Joy Dare Monday ...

God is pretty awesome. I struggle to trust in God but I'm getting better at remembering that God's there with me. It now takes half a day instead of several, or never. I worry, I fret, I lose sleep and then it's like ... oh, yeah. God's here with me and will be.

And I'm almost successful in putting the worry away. Almost.

This might be why this week has been easier to find the gifts God displays around me and within me.

Here are the gifts from the past week.

473. looking in the mirror and finding a curl in the middle of my forehead

474. lavender blue of agapanthus bloom
475. peonies at Vons

476. finding a lost letter
477. baby laughter
478. irish whisky cupcake with Bailey's butter cream frosting (ate it before I thought to take a photo)
479. first harvest for the season (cucumbers)

a curvy Japanese cucumber and a Burpless cucumber. This is a photo that isn't taken with my
crappy iPhone for once...
480. comments at "chatting at the sky" post on introverts -- what a God-gift!

481. favorite bling hat appears to be lost
482. repairing an art journal spread that got glued together a bit
483. putting together a playlist that expresses all I feel.
484. "and I live and I breathe for an audience of one" - Sara Groves, "This Journey is My Own"
485. bobbing crows
486. reminding myself to stop worrying and trust that God is with me and will be with me
487. the spicy scent of cocoa chai tea
488. agreeing it was an awful movie
489. so many blog posts today reminding me that God is always with me
490. items crossed off the to-do list at work
491. lost hat found
492. baby bird!

"Who are you lookin' at?" Thanks to my hubby for climbing up and getting this shot!
493. one of our dinner guests figuring out the baby  bird is a red house finch

excuse the blurry shot

494. waking to the baby bird cheeping  and its parents singing
495. leftover plum tartlet for breakfast
496. four baby birdies (those must be two beaks on either side of the baby bird in photo above)

Am linking this up to Ann Voskamp's "multitudes on Mondays" (or will as soon as it goes up!)


  1. A beautiful list of gifts!
    Good for you for remembering to let go of it.

  2. So are you very, very good, or are you horrid? :)

  3. Very very good of course. For now. :)

  4. Oh, I love pink peonies! I treated myself to a 5-stem bunch just a few days ago and they're fragrant and beautiful! My favorite flowers!


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