Up - a new way of looking at things

One of the great things about Liz Lamoreaux's "inner excavation" book was her use of the camera to get different perspectives of things. I never thought of taking pictures of myself jumping, or my feet or putting my camera onto the ground to get that perspective. While I was at Mt. Calvary at the end of July, I took some of these photos as I was still in the inner excavate-along (the read along on Liz's blog) but as I was also on a bird spotting kick thanks to woodpeckers nesting in view of the rear patio, I started looking up. And saw this was another perspective worth taking photos of. So here are my "up" photos from that trip. heart shape hidden in tree bird nest (left of V) red house finch nest in Poor Clare chapel roof sequoia I plan to revisit Liz's prompts every now and then on this blog. Maybe it will inspire you to look at the world a little differently too?