God's Love Stories: God's gifts to us

What a month it has been. My first full month of not working and it's been a month of my heart breaking open -- in a beautiful and good way.

  • Emily Freeman at chatting at the sky writes about walking like a believer
  • on a day thinking about heartbreak means feeling joy (still working that out, those aren't the right words. So far the right words are: "heartbreak. joy.") Brene Brown talks on TED about vulnerability. So beautiful (and thanks to Liz Lamoreux for mentioning her in her "inner excavate-along")
  • my heart broke when I read this from Ann Voskamp's A Holy Experience
  • the beautiful tribute to those killed in recent London terrorists was cut from the NBC coverage of the Olympics opening ceremony
  • one of the things God seems to be teaching me is patience. Yes, I'll hold while y'all laugh hysterically at the thought of me actually being patient. I'm waiting....  Ok, so here's a post from Ann Voskamp at (in)courage about patience.
  • and for fun (and found via Rachel Held Evans' blog in her Sunday Superlatives): Who Gives a Crap?


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