week 6: "i open my heart"

I spent some time while on retreat looking at the "i open my heart" prompt from the "inner excavation" read-along (which has officially finished, but you can start it any time). It's a collaboration, but I'm sharing my side of it only because I haven't asked my friend if it's okay to share hers.

After taking a lot of pictures...

.... here is what came to me:


as simple as that.

be myself.

be real.

be vulnerable/open.

be brave.

be love.


this image and the one below were taken in the Poor Clares chapel
(and yes, I feel weird taking pictures in a sacred space)


  1. What a beautiful blog! What beautiful images! Thanks for sharing your gift!

  2. Just beautiful, Leanne! All of it!

    I still need to begin Chapter 2. I don't want to rush through this book so I'm taking it at the speed I can right now with other things going on.


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