A prayer wall... a refreshed prayer space

I've been doing a little bit of reading about Eastern Orthodox Christianity lately as part of learning more about the Jesus Prayer. Since I first contemplated writing an icon, I've been curious about setting up my own space for prayer. (There is a website that has a whole stack of them, plus I pulled together some favorites on a Pinterest board.)

It started in my art room. I papered the back wall of the closet in pages from an old commentary about the Psalms and hung up a cross. You can see it in an older post here.

But then I happened to chant morning prayer in our formal lounge room and thought: hmm, it sounds like I'm in an echoing chapel (thanks to the wood floors and the fireplace, I think).

So I've moved my space out to the formal lounge room and finally hung the pictures this week. There's no before shot because I keep forgetting to do those kind of things that might be remotely useful in blogging. Ah well.

In a traditional Orthodox home, this actually goes onto the eastern wall and preferably in a corner of the room. Fortunately, I'm not Orthodox (at least not in the Eastern Orthodox Church sense) so this is actually a south-facing wall. It's also right by the front door so I can't miss it on my way out.

There is room for this space to expand and include more icons. I'm hoping to learn how to write one of Mary in 2013 and she'll go either where the Micah calligraphy is or where the tiny icon of Mary and Child is now.

So from left to right:

1) a watercolor, stamped piece that I bought at an artist show in Julian. It says: "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." - Teilhard de Chardin.

2) the icon of Christ Pantocrater that I wrote at the icon class at St. Peter's last August

3) cross made by St. Augustine High School student made of broken bits of china. We bought it at a fundraiser auction for the school. To me it speaks of being broken and being remade a new by the Cross.

4) (top) icon of St. Francis.

5) (bottom) Calligraphy done by a monk of the Order of the Holy Cross. It was a gift from my EfM mentor upon my becoming an Associate of the Order of the Holy Cross. It's a quote from Micah 6:8 : "This is what the Lord asks of you; only this, to act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God."

6) (top) an icon of the Pentecost in a silver frame received last Christmas at the staff party.

7) (bottom) the tiny icon of Mary and child.

These float above my "altar" which holds some spiritual birdhouses I have made, a glass image of a saint/monk, candles, incense holder, a leadlight angel my Dad made, a print from a local artist, and a little aumbrey where I keep my prayer books and above have an angel statue, Mary statuettes, a small pottery bowl holding some memories of the monastery in Santa Barbara, and a triptych card of Mary.

And I just realized that I hadn't tidied up the top of the aumbrey (or however it is you spell it: thing wot holds my prayer books) nor is the round box holding my cross or the incense thingy centered either.

Well, you get the idea.


  1. Leanne, this is so beautiful. I too, am drawn to icons. I am a Christian with strong Anglican roots, but am searching for a new spritual ( christian ) community.
    Just lately I hae been longing for a statue of the Virgin, I can just see her in my studio.
    Merry christmas to you and your family.
    Trish from Australia ( MAM Ticket to Venice class )


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