Joy Dare: Christmas Eve edition

almost time for this moment -
it's Christmas Eve
(statue @ Mt. Calvary, Santa Barbara)
I haven't taken photos of the journals I made, like I planned, but I'll post about them during the week and have links up in next week's Joy Dare link up.

Can you believe that it's almost a year and the Joy Dare is almost done?

Not that I plan on stopping any time soon. How about you?

1,099. we don't have a water leak!
1,100. watching Bread and Tulips - breathing in Venice
1,101. making my favorite Christmas treats
1,102. not having any rum essence
1,103. rain
1,104. White Elephant gift exchange
1,105. dark red maple leaf
1,106. freezing cold morning
1,107. "Brilliant. They won't be expecting that." (link to Youtube video -- a must watch found via Ann Voskamp)
1,108. Springerle didn't work out. Again.
1,109. rocking out to Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You" (inspired by this video) -- dancing and rolling rum balls
1,110. realizing I need time to reflect on my rebellion with God
1,111. 17 growlers
1,112. making a practice journal
1,113. good company and Thai food
1,114. knife in a crucifix (*gasp*) [thanks to the Christmas edition of Late Night Catechism)
1,115. "Rejoice! Rejoice!"
1,116. finishing making my Ticket to Venice journal

Am linking this up to Ann Voskamp's "multitudes on Mondays" (or will as soon as it goes up!)


  1. Thank you so much for posting the video. Just the gift I needed. (I wasn't expecting that...) Lory


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