God's Love Stories -- He is Risen!

Hey it's after Easter :) Let's celebrate with some resurrection stories....

  • like this one from Denise Hughes. It made me cry. (Yes, it's Part 6 of her faith story but it can be read by itself)
  • Church is about relationship with God and the Bible points the way (from Relevant)
  • imagine if we lived in a world without hate (and yes, it turns out to be an ad for the Anti-Defamation League, but it is a beautiful capturing of a world that would be at peace.)
  • a beautiful peace from Rachel Held Evans called Holy Week for Doubters. I shared it on my Facebook feed with this thought: "This is just beautiful ... when we open up our hearts to the joy of Christ resurrected on Sunday, may we open our hearts to those who are filled with questions and doubts (because God knows we've all been there and will be again) and are daring to show up anyway ..."
  • How God remembers, a lovely story from Paula @ Welcoming Spirit.
  • John Bachman shares how he couldn't attend Holy Week or Easter services this year ... and why it's okay.
  • Christine Valters Paintner with practicing resurrection ideas


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