Joy Dare Monday: another week

No pictures this week. Mainly because it's a been a bit of an owie week (see below) and I wouldn't think to take a photo until after, say, I'd eaten what I should've taken a photo of. Yeah. One of those weeks. Still counting though!

321. squats
322. amount of dirt in vacuum cleaner
323. coughing fit - sore neck
324. sticky bowling bowl - sore fingers
325. cuckoo's racket
326. grey day
327. pretty sure Anzac biscuits didn't work
328. used self-rising flour instead of called-for regular flour -- bikkies worked!
329. busted toilet
330. broken eggs
331. headache from sore neck
332. cute dogs while out and about
333. book making (not betting!)
334. chopping mushrooms
335. "pat me or feed me, don't sleep" -- thought process of my dog,  I'm sure.
336. aching shoulders after prepping and planting of vege garden
337. laughing at TV sitcom
338. solid night's sleep
339. horrid news
340. music - "Bombshell"

Joining in Ann Voskamp's:


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