Joy Dare Monday: Finding Joy in a Difficult Week

It's hard not to be directly affected by the events of the previous week, even though I didn't know anyone at the Boston marathon, or in Baghdad, or in West, Texas, or in China. Monday night I prayed that peace would be in our hearts, and not fear. For we are always loved by God. Whether we do good things, or bad things, as hard as that is to hear sometimes.

So here are the gifts from God discovered this week.

301. laughing yoga
302. overdue lunch
303. the shock of the Boston Marathon explosion
304. warming sunlight through gray clouds
305. 16 brown pelicans floating by. (Tons of pelicans out enjoying the breeze.) (I blogged about it.)

306. tree lady got herself a new blue hat

307. palm fronds dancing in cold breeze

308. the amount of dirt picked up by our new vacuum cleaner
309. Derwent Inktense pencils
310. rose-pink of sunset
311. 3 baby birds
312. cooling afternoon breeze
313. cooling shade of tree
314. university president letting us stand after two hours of awards ceremony.
315. 2 and a bit barbershop quartets singing at the next table (and they're all 80+)
316. chanting under a tree.
317. good conversation
318. gazelle - rise up - sermon today
319. sweat
320. sturdy garbage disposal

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