Joy Dare Monday

I have almost a post ready for about a series of special moments the past couple of weeks but it's not quite ready yet.

447. a moment of overwhelm
448. awesome mailman
449. mushroom gnocchi
450. I feel like I have a personal barista (thanks Mario!)
451. the early morning scent of bergamot

452. the unbearable cuteness of the preschool Shalom Party
453. free lunch
454. tuft of his hair sticking up
455. pattern in my cinnamon topping on my chai latter
456. grateful for a security door that won't stay propped open
457. golden grass

458. chewing gum (on sandal, on foot, UGH!)
459. knorl in wood
460. dog sneaking chicken broth
461. chills doing "Amazing Grace"
462. crypt-keeping
463. green hummingbird
464. earning my paycheck by finding one small typo.

Joining in Ann Voskamp's:


  1. I love lattes too and a great view of natures. The I read everyones blogs the more I understand, how I was suppose to post today. I love this thanks


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