Summer Reading ... online and off

I thought I would transform my monthly "God stories", links to posts that speak of God-in-us-around-us, and add my reading list for this summer. For three reasons:

  1. Rachel Held Evans did it, and I've even put a couple of her books on my stack
  2. Liz Lamoreux is collecting a list of summer reads
  3. Because it's June and thus summer.
Online reading first. These are the stories that gave me pause over the past month:

Currently Reading: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Jewish History and Culture by Rabbi Benjamin Blech. 

Required reading for my new job at a Reformed synagogue and let's be honest I am rapidly turning into a theology geek, or perhaps more accurately, a religious culture geek as I don't care for philosophy. Have just finished the section on the Torah scriptures (as opposed to Talmud, etc) and so far it's not an in-depth book, but it touches on all the main points.

Reading Next (in no particular order, except perhaps the first one):
  1. The Jewish Annotated New Testament by Amy-Jill Levine
  2. The Creative License: Giving Yourself Permission to be the Artist You Truly Are by Danny Gregory
  3. The Story of Christianity, Vols 1& 2 by Justo L. Gonzalez
  4. Watermark by Joseph Brodsky (poetry about winter in Venice)
  5. How to Paint Colour and Light by Jean Haines
Books  I've borrowed and really should read soon:
  1. The Naked Now: Learning to See as the Mystics See by Richard Rohr
  2. Uncommon Gratitude: Alleluia for all that is by Joan Chittister and Rowan Williams
  3. When Christians Were Jews (That Is, Now): Recovering the Lost Jewishness of Christianity with the Gospel of Mark by Wayne-Daniel Berard
And those of you who know me will know I have piles of unread books. These are just the newest ones. 

I need to get caught up on Elizabeth Bear (scifi/fantasy), Mary Balogh (Regency romance), Terry Pratchett (I am embarrassed to say how far behind I am. I think I'm even missing books...) -- so these books make get interspersed for lighter reading purposes.

And of course, these are paper-and-ink books ....

What are you reading over the summer?


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