Joy Dare, um, Tuesday ...

I can't believe I actually forgot to post my Joy Dare this week. So without further ado:

431. dog barking at nothing
432. hidden garden

433. having an awesome PhotoShop successful day
434. water spray
435. appreciation luncheon
436. meditation spot taken
437. finches skipping through branches
438. the crunch of dry leaves on the stairs
439. wet crow
440. a gaggle of ducks

441. purple

442. wheelchair driver
443. bird trying to catch a bug
444. peonies!

445. quiet day in
446. the anticipation of a peach 

Joining in Ann Voskamp's:


  1. Leanne,

    Nice to meet you. I'm hopping over from Ann's link up.

    Counting gifts with you and smiling at your peonies! Ahh, they can smell so wonderfully, huh? I'm looking forward to the ones in this area blooming soon too.

    Jennifer Dougan

  2. Love it on Tuesday as well. Thanks for drenching me in thankfulness. Your words and photos splash pure joy.

    Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip into goodness.



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