1000 Gifts Transition...

I am taking a break from publishing my list of 1000 gifts for a while.

There are a number of reasons, the most meaningful of which is that I have discovered that once I've noted and/or snapped a photo, I usually move on, letting the moment pass. A most recent exception was watching the pelicans fly by.

And so, I find I do not want to write down my three gifts a day, but I want to stay with those gifts, even after the moment has passed. Which means, among other things, I've started to write poetry again and I'll share two that I wrote a couple of weeks ago later this week.

It's become less about quantity and more about quality. As Ann Voskamp says, to slow down and experience the life I'm in right now (am paraphrasing).

Writing down one thousand gifts last year and I'm somewhere in the 400s this year has been and is transformative. I am taking a different path to explore these moments when I can see God in beauty or within another or within strife.

Honestly, another reason is this: with my newish full time job, time has become precious.

I have found that the time spent prepping pictures and writing the post takes a large chunk of time that could be better spent elsewhere: like with my husband and pets, or in my art room. I haven't yet found time for my yoga practice and it is time to find that too.

This doesn't mean I am giving up blogging. I wrote this post, for example, on the bus on my way to work. But I need to re-evaluate the purpose of this blog because I am not sure it's doing much more than keeping my mother up to date on details of my week that I've usually forgotten by the time we talk.

I would like to reflect on what it is like to work at a synagogue and my learnings there, but these need time to mature.

I also want to reflect on how my learnings when I was between jobs is being implemented (or not) now.

Time, time, time. 

What would you like to see on this blog? (Although obviously the final decision is mine!)

Joining in Ann Voskamp's for the last time for a while:


  1. Wow - would definitely love to hear about work at a synagogue!


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