God's love stories....

What is happening "behind the scenes" lately and thus a lack of posts, is me rethinking what this blog is all about (yes, again), including whether or not I should continue with the 1000 Gifts challenge. All that is to come.

Meanwhile, here are some blog posts and videos that I hope will inspire.

  • Whispers on the Journey with Of Thieves and Fears (I so related...)
  • A unique labyrinth walk ... and a child solves the problem, rather than reflecting upon it.
  • When Google Maps forgot a slum, the children took care of it (video). One child commented that if only the community groups who came together to put on a festival would come together to solve the community's problems. This is what these children are doing. Reading that on the heels of watching 4th of July fireworks made me wonder indeed.
  • Ann Voskamp of A Holy Experience puts it all to Christ in How to be Beautiful & Have a Beautiful Home & Life as she continues to detail her trip to Uganda, and I was reminded this call is not uniquely Christ's. It is what Micah and many Old Testament prophets teach: "And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah)
  • Rachel Held Evans on structured prayer
  • For the sheer funny: The Gathered Home with her post on the Vintage Leather Chesterfield. 

My favorite moment from the Tony Awards last month:

Editing to add that I forgot to add a video! This link takes you to a video about getting old and profiles a 94 year old artist. Awesome.


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