Decluttering Discoveries

I like it when I find something that I'd completely forgotten about. Take these for instance...

I found these in a painted wooden box on my dresser. I bought these in Omaha during Silver Bella -- all except the little Mary charm in the bottom right corner. That was part of the Marvellous Madonna Montage, a gorgeous little extra thrown in. I wore it on my badge for a while that weekend (til it fell off and I decided I would much rather not lose it.)

How did I know they came from Silver Bella? These and two MOO cards were also inside:

The bee was another gift from Gina to her fellow Silver Bellas so we'd recognize each other on the weekend.

And then I remembered many moons ago I had bought a hat off eBay as part of a costume that didn't work out... So I got it out, and I think it'll find a home, somewhere, in my craft space.

Which may actually become a craft space once more. Still waiting on the office furniture to be delivered at work....hopefully today or tomorrow.

Today's task is to get ready a suitcase of goodies for Wednesday's class. It's kind of like packing for Silver Bella all over again :)


  1. I remember that little bee from Gina. That was a fun shopping and get together day. I want to go back to Guilding the Lilly....havent made it back there yet.

    Did you go to the Urban barn event? I went Saturday with my friend Tina and took the class they had that day with Julie Nutting ......totally spur of the moment kinda thing. I saw the wall hanging in person and it was really cool. All those lovlies there inspired me to create.



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